St. Augustine, FL

We collected events from February 2017-February 2018 and are no longer active. You can download the events, locations, organizers, and signs.

2 protests

May 10, 2017, 4:30 pm

St. Augustine, FL

AHCA Die - In at Castillo De San Marcos

Congressmen Rutherford and DeSantis voted Yes on the American Health Care Act, a bill that would take healthcare away from hard working Americans and raise the cost for millions with pre-existing conditions (even those with employer based...

November 11, 2017, 2:00 pm

St. Augustine, FL

Equality Florida: How to be an Ally

Learn how to be an Ally to the LGBTQIA community and more about how to support locally. St Augustine needs support for LGBTQIA and especially in regards to youth. This meeting will talk about common issue and what we can do to support a more...