May Day Against Trumpism

Colorado State Capitol
Denver, CO 80203
United States
May 1, 2017,
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

This May Day, join us at the Colorado State Capitol to stand in solidarity with the working class against Trumpism. 

Workers in the U.S. and across the world are hurting. Despite Trump's promises to upend a rigged economy and cancel unfair trade deals, his actions have instead focused on banning muslims, rounding up immigrants, and filling his cabinet with outright racists and Wall Street shills.

But Trump is a symptom, not the disease, and true freedom for the working class means moving beyond both Trump and the Democratic Party.

May Day is a day about international solidarity, a day for class consciousness, and understanding that not a single wheel turns in this economy without the blood and sweat of every day laborers.

Anyone whose job has been shipped overseas, lost their pension in the crash, seen their pay get slashed, or their union crushed knows that capitalism isn't working.

But together we can create an alternative vision of society -- a democratic, radically egalitarian society in which workers, not elites, control their own destinies.