Free University - NYC

Free University - NYC is a collective educational experiment. In solidarity with students, laborers, debtors, and families, we offer a public space for the 99% to disengage from an unequal system and imagine a model for alternative education.

3 protests

April 30, 2017, 11:00 am

New York, NY

Queens Se Defiende! // Defend Queens!

QUEENS SE DEFIENDE! La comunidad de Queens se reune para talleres, presentaciones interactivas, y actividades familiares! Conoce tus derechos, haz arte con la familia, y informate de la huelga general del 1ro de Mayo! 


April 29, 2017, 12:00 pm

New York, NY

Mayday Festival of Resistance!

Join us in uplifting the spirit of resistance in our communities under the Trump regime. As our neighbors, comrades and allies come under increasing threat by a corrupt and morally bankrup administration, we gather and show the power of...

March 5, 2017, 6:00 pm

New York, NY

Women’s Strikes: Past, Present, and Future

On the weekend before the March 8 International Women's Strike// Paro Internacional de Mujeres #8M—“A Day Without a Woman”— Free University - NYC invites people to Mayday Space to reflect upon past histories of women’s...